Map Out 30 Days Of Web Push Notifications (In Under 10 Minutes)

Do you stare aimlessly at your computer when it comes to writing content?

Whether it comes to blog content, social media content or emails, putting together a ton of valuable content can feel overwhelming and never-ending.

That is why we have put together an entire guide on how to write 30 days of web push notifications in under 10 minutes.

How Do You Map Out 30-days Worth Of Web Push Notifications  

Step 1: Think value FIRST. You don’t want to just talk at your audience, you want to talk with them. I want you to create a list of all of the valuable content you have that you actually think will support your audience in getting results. Here are some examples:

  • Blogs
  • Videos
  • Mini-Courses
  • Downloadable PDF’s
  • Quizzes
  • Free Strategy Sessions
  • Audios
  • Podcast Episodes
  • Case studies
  • Free Webinars/Training
  • Softwares or tools you own or you are an affiliate of

Step 2: What is your ultimate goal? What action step do you ultimately want your audience to take? Here are some examples:

  • Buy one of your products
  • Hire you as a coach
  • Take your free trial
  • Take a free demo
  • Fill out a form to talk to your sales team
  • Grab some affiliate revenue

Step 3: Start filling in your content calendar with a combination of value and CTA’s to a product or service. Here is an example from our push notification calendar for our sister company

Note here, we would suggest no more than 5 web push notifications per week. The goal is not to be spammy, the goal is to provide valuable and engaging content that drives your website community back your site.  

Let’s break this down for our sister software Web Push Notification Breakdown (Let's Break Down A Week's Worth Of Content).

Goal: Get people to take our Hello Bar free trial of the software. We know that in order to get people to convert into Hello Bar customers, the free trial is crucial. So let’s breakdown how to achieve that.


Text: Find out how this gal collected 103 emails in 30 days without spending a dime on ads.


Why a Case Study?

Why is that valuable? We are showing the exact steps this small business gal took to collect more leads and sales. This is exactly what our software does.

We know that our ideal client is a small business owner. They are often e-commerce and digital marketers trying to sell online.

This case study shows how Hello Bar can help you do just that.

Also, case studies, like content marketing case studies for example, help to provide proof and hope.

Proof that your product works and hope that your ideal client can have the same results as the case study.

Both are important to prove that you are trustworthy and your product can actually yield results.


Text: 98% of visitors leave your site without converting, find out how to prevent it.


Why a Webinar?

Nothing says value like a 60-minute free training! This is valuable training that we could charge for, however, we choose to give this away for free.

Whether the client uses our software or not, this training will start to get them some great results. Also, this training shows how to be successful with Hello Bar without giving the client a straight-up sales pitch.

This webinar serves 2 purposes:

  1. Providing valuable content for your community
  2. Introducing Hello Bar as a product and strategies to help make the clients successful with it.


Text: Want to collect more leads and get more sales? Try Hello Bar Growth 30 days Free.


Why A CTA For a FREE Trial?

One of the things I see missing from content calendars is an actual CTA to the product.

We hear often, “I don’t want to be too salesy.”

Or often the opposite, people are too spammy and go straight to the sale before the website users and visitors have had the chance to get to know them.

So how do you find the balance? For lack of better terms, a value sandwich will do the job.

Provide great value for your community while adding a CTA to your web push notification flow will seem like a natural next step for your visitors.

Also, think if your product as a solution to your ideal client’s problems. In our example, our ideal clients have trouble actually getting their website traffic to convert into leads and sales.

Our product actually helps to solve the problem.

So putting in a free trial offer is a great value to them!


Text: Struggling to create a free offer that will convert your traffic? Grab our guide here.


Why This Blog Article?

We know that one barrier to entry with our software is that in order for Hello Bar to have the highest effect, the user must have an exciting offer.

Coming up with a free offer that actually converts can feel challenging. This article gives them simple actionable tips that can help them to start creating their lead magnet today.

It’s something of value and it is also something that leads down the path of ultimately helping potential Hello Bar users to use the software.


Text: 24 Hours Only 50% Hello Bar Yearly! Grab your subscription today for just $149.

Why a Discount?

You certainly don’t have to offer a discount for your product, however, we always suggest testing different offers to see what converts best.

Adding 1-2 calls to action into your weekly rotation is a great way to ensure that your website visitors don’t miss your offers.

According to an article by SalesForce, it can take 6-8 touch points to generate a viable sales lead.

That means that continuing to put information and calls to action in front of them is key.

Web push notifications allow you to do just that.

Whether you put a free offer, discount or trial in front of them, make that these calls to actions actually lead to the services you ultimately want to sell!

From there, you repeat the same process for the month!


So what is next?

Creating 30-days of Web Push Notifications is actually really simple with these few steps.

Once you move through step 1 and have all of the details, it’s time to take action and repeat this for the month.

To start, have an ongoing list of all of your content. From free offers, webinars, blogs (as we mentioned above). Also add in there any content you plan on creating for the month (ideally you have it batched out and ready to go so you can simple pop in your links).

We suggest sitting down once a month and mapping out the content.

Remember each notification has limited text, so no need to create a lengthy post.

Write the dates out you want to push out the notifications, and start filling in with the content you have first.

From there look at your overall goal for the month. What do you want to push and sell?

If you want to push a product, then fill in your calendar with CTA’s to your product.

If you want to get 10 consultations, then have CTA’s to those consultations filled in.

From there, hop into and schedule out your web push notifications!