Subscribers 2.0 Comes With a Brand New Interface + Cart Abandonment & Price Reduction Notifications

You’ve been asking, we’ve been working our tails off, and it’s finally here – a new and improved Subscribers!

Read on to learn how we’re innovating web push notifications to take them from minimal alerts to full-blown marketing machines.

Let’s take a look at the details of new and improved Subscribers 2.0…

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Build your web push notifications with ease

Our team studied in-app behavior from our community members to learn what buttons are clicked most and in which order. Based on this data, we’ve now completely redesigned the interior of the app to allow for maximum efficiency and ease of use.

Subscribers’ brand new push notification builder makes it easy to create a notification in a matter of minutes.

As you design your custom notification, you’re treated to previews of the exact pop-up on the right. Here, you’ll be able to see exactly what your web push notification will look like based on device type.

You may notice some new options as you build your web push notification, too. We’ve added on loads of new features to make your push notifications more robust and even higher converting than before.

With Subscribers 2.0, you now have the following options when building your web push notification:

  • Target your notification to certain segments of your subscriber-base
  • Add rich content to your web push notification
  • Choose your exact delivery time and date
  • Stagger your notification delivery
  • Set up Web Push upon abandoned cart
  • Back in stock & price reduction notifications
  • Hottest Product Notifications

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Let’s dig in deeper to each of these new value-adding features that will make your life easier and your campaigns more effective!

1. Custom Segmentation: Give your subscribers a custom-tailored experience

The best marketers don’t just dwell in the land of content creation. They also pour enormous amounts of energy into segmenting their lists and giving their leads the most custom journey possible as they trickle through their sales funnel.

Marketers who segment their lists see huge payoffs. On average, segmented campaigns see open rates on 14.31% higher than non-segmented campaigns, along with click-through rates that are 100.95% higher than non-segmented campaigns.

With Subscribers, you can now segment your list based on:

  • Geolocation
  • Device type
  • Browser type

You’re not limited to creating segments based on one category alone, either. With our new interface, you can layer different segmentation rules on top of each other to create the exact rule you need to nurture your customers best.

2. Rich Pushes: Make your web push notifications stand out to engage your subscribers

It’s no secret that imagery goes a long way when it comes to stirring engagement with your followers and community. In a study of over 5,000 campaigns, campaigns with images were found to have a 42% higher click-through rate than campaigns without images.

Our goal at Subscribers is to get your click-through rate as high as possible. That’s why we’ve added in extended capabilities to help you drive engagement – one of those is the addition of larger images for your push notifications.

Here’s one of our brand new rich push notifications. Look at the size of that image!

Not only can you include a smaller header image or logo, but you can now also attach a much larger image to show off your product best.

3. Interactive Pushes: Get higher conversion rates with call to action buttons

No matter what you are optimizing for conversions, it is safe to say that adding a clickable button will increase your conversions. That’s why we’re introducing buttons to your web push notifications.

You can use these new buttons to segment your traffic and serve your audience with the options that fit their needs and interests best.

For example, let’s say your site sells both phone cases and sunglasses:

You can now use Subscribers web push notifications to send people to shop for the exact product they want. The first button leads to the Sunglasses page, while the second leads to the Phone Cases page.

So clickable! Not to mention highly effective when it comes to increasing conversions from your subscribers.

4. Schedule Ahead: Put your notifications on auto-pilot

Logging in and out of endless software tools during a launch is tiresome, to say the least. We’ve made Subscribers a one-and-done experience where you can log in, set up all your push notifications for the month (or beyond), and move on to the next item on your to-do list.

Easily track your upcoming web push notification campaigns with our built-in campaign calendar and manager.

5. Staggered Sends: Spread your traffic over time to protect your website

One of the biggest complaints we received from our Subscribers community in the past was that it worked too well. Our community members were sending out web push notifications and getting immediate traffic to their sites, with thousands of people landing on their site at the same time. This mass entrance of new site visitors was causing servers to crash and sites to struggle.

That’s why in Subscribers 2.0, we’ve added in the very important option to stagger sends and spread them across a wider time period.

Rest assured, you’ll get all the same traffic but without the mad rush to your website.

Our Subscribers software will send your web push notification out over the course of a few hours. No traffic jams, no site crashes, just an increase in site activity and purchases from your audience.

6. ROI Tracking: Know the exact revenue that Subscribers web push notifications generate for your business

Subscribers is easy to use, looks good on your site, and can be totally automated to save you time. But is it actually driving your business and revenue forward?

In this new release, we’ve introduced the ability for you to track your revenue through Subscribers.

Using Value Goals, you can now assign a unique monetary value (US Dollar or otherwise!) to each new subscriber you collect and to each visitor that lands on your site courtesy of your Subscribers web push notifications.

That means over time, you can see the exact ROI of using Subscribers on your site.

Plus, don’t forget – Subscribers web push notifications are 100% enabled with custom UTM tracking so you can get into the nitty-gritty of your results and leverage for success.

7. Abandoned Cart: Send An Automated Push When a User Abandons The Cart

Are your customers just forgetful or do they need that little extra something to complete their purchases? Either way, Subscribers' Abandoned Cart features will help you recover those lost sales. You can send a friendly reminder or even add an incentive for finishing a purchase.

8. Announce Inventory Changes: Back In Stock & Price Reduction

Bring your customers or potential customers back by letting them know when the price on a product they like has gone down, or something they wanted but was out of stock has come back in stock. Subscribers’ easy to use Inventory Change features help you automatically bring customers back for more purchases on the specific products they have shown interest in.

Your customers want to know when new products hit your store and which products are most popular across your site. With Subscribers' Trending Products features, you can regularly keep customers coming back to purchase the latest and greatest products you have to offer.

Much, much more new features, smart updates, and helpful tools to come to grow your business!

We’ve covered all the new features added to Subscribers right now. But the fun doesn’t end here. In the coming weeks, our team will be rolling out even more features that make your life easier, help your web push notifications perform better, and that make Subscribers increasingly valuable to your business.

For now, enjoy the new and improved Subscribers. And don’t forget to let us know in the comments – what is your favorite new feature? What do you want to see next?

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